We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Ours is great just a little bit different because it’s raining a lot now.
I also did some Christmas shopping for the families and this year it was different because I went shopping with them and they got to choose for themselves what they like, some families like Editta’s family, Esther Nanyiro’s family and Mary wairimu’s family preferred food stuff as their Christmas gifts. Maryann and Kevin preferred a refill of their cooking gas as it was finished. Fridah and the boys preferred new clothes which were tailor made, Wandia and her children preferred new clothes from the market. Josephine and her sons wanted some new shoes. Catherine Wanjiru and her two sons preffered shoes then her other son and her sister preferred new clothes
Kindly receive their heartfelt gratitude as they were really happy for receiving Christmas gifts from HFN.
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Erstellt am 03.02.2022 von Wolfram Zuth
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Ours is great just a little bit different because it’s raining a lot now.
I also did some Christmas shopping for the families and this year it was different because I went shopping with them and they got to choose for themselves what they like, some families like Editta’s family, Esther Nanyiro’s family and Mary wairimu’s family preferred food stuff as their Christmas gifts. Maryann and Kevin preferred a refill of their cooking gas as it was finished. Fridah and the boys preferred new clothes which were tailor made, Wandia and her children preferred new clothes from the market. Josephine and her sons wanted some new shoes. Catherine Wanjiru and her two sons preffered shoes then her other son and her sister preferred new clothes
Kindly receive their heartfelt gratitude as they were really happy for receiving Christmas gifts from HFN.
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Kategorie: Blog