Esther Nanyiro was born blind and due to her condition, men took advantage of her and now she has four children through rape. Her children are: Paul Nang’ore who is 10 years, Samuel Ning’iru who is 9 years old, Agnes Lokote who is 8 years old and John Chegem who is 2 years old. Esther migrated from Turkana and now she is living in Nyeri a place called Chaka.
She found a Good Samaritan who could only give her shelter. She had to find a way of feeding her children and so during the day, she walks with her children on the streets borrowing food from people. She is desperate and in need of food, clothes and funding to buy school books and uniforms for her children.
Zuletzt aktualisiert: 09.07.2021 von Wolfram Zuth
Esther Nanyiro’s Family
Esther Nanyiro was born blind and due to her condition, men took advantage of her and now she has four children through rape. Her children are: Paul Nang’ore who is 10 years, Samuel Ning’iru who is 9 years old, Agnes Lokote who is 8 years old and John Chegem who is 2 years old. Esther migrated from Turkana and now she is living in Nyeri a place called Chaka.
She found a Good Samaritan who could only give her shelter. She had to find a way of feeding her children and so during the day, she walks with her children on the streets borrowing food from people. She is desperate and in need of food, clothes and funding to buy school books and uniforms for her children.

Kategorie: Blog