Am Fliederbusch 19, 50827 Köln +49 177 8805077

Mary Wairimu’s Tribute

Mary Wairimu was one of the HFN’s beneficiaries for more than 10 years. All her children died and since then she has been taking care of her grandchildren. I remember the first time when I went to visit her at her home, I found around  six kids playing in her compound and I asked her whether if they were all her grandchildren and she told me her grandchildren are four and the other two were homeless and she decided to take them in. That really moved me because from the look of things I could see that she was really struggling to feed and take care of her grandchildren but she still had a heart to help other needy kids.  She told me that one might not be very rich or wealthy but there is always something that one can do to give a helping hand no matter how small, she went ahead to say that help doesn’t always have to be inform of money instead one can offer a shoulder to lean on for someone, one can share a plate of food with a hungry person, one can offer shelter for the homeless just like she had done for the two kids. She was genuinely kind and selfless and that is one thing we always remember her for.  Every time I delivered her monthly assorted food items, she always expressed her gratitude to the HFN Donors because life became easier after HFN absorbed her in the feeding program. She would pray and speak a blessing to the HFN Donors and Members. 

She will dearly be missed.

May her soul rest in eternal peace.