Last week the Karatina kids were on midterm and so I went to the Children’s home picked them and took them for their school shopping. They also accompanied me to the market and they helped me to buy some fruits for them.
Kindly find the attached.
Regards Shiro
Happy kidsMercy picking some items in the supermarketThe karatina kids choosing fruits at the marketThe karatina kids having some oranges at the marketThe kids carrying the school shoppingThe kids helping shiro to select fruits at the marketThe kids putting some school shopping in the trolley
Zuletzt aktualisiert: 10.07.2021 von Wolfram Zuth
Karatina kids shopping
Last week the Karatina kids were on midterm and so I went to the Children’s home picked them and took them for their school shopping. They also accompanied me to the market and they helped me to buy some fruits for them.
Kindly find the attached.
Kategorie: Blog